How to Overcome Challenges With Live Event Video Production


From conferences and concerts to product launches and live broadcasts, live event video production demands meticulous planning and the ability to adapt on the fly. Once the cameras start rolling, you never know what challenges may arise and you must be prepared to handle anything.

In this article, we’ll explore what video production entails in the realm of live events, as well as some of the most common issues that can pop up while filming. This way, you can have solutions at the ready.

What Is Live Event Video Production?

Live event video production is the process of capturing and broadcasting events in real time. This can include a wide range of occasions, such as conferences, music concerts, trade shows, product launches, sporting events, and more. The great thing about broadcasting live events such as these is that you’re able to reach a much wider audience with viewers tuning in from the comfort of their own homes.

Unlike pre-recorded content, filming live events requires synchronization and adaptability to ensure a seamless viewer experience. And since there are typically multiple cameras, tons of audio equipment, and sometimes even live editing and graphics, there are a lot of moving parts. For these reasons, it helps to have a skilled team overseeing the entire process to ensure everything goes smoothly.

7 Common Challenges and Solutions in Live Event Video Production

No live event is without its challenges, however, that doesn’t mean you can come prepared. Here are seven of the most common challenges when filming live events and how to overcome them:

1. Unpredictable Technical Glitches

In the world of live event video production, it doesn’t get more frustrating than technical glitches. You never know when there might be camera malfunctions, audio disruptions, or connectivity problems if you’re live broadcasting at the same time. These issues occur unexpectedly and can cause stress.

Because you never know what might happen, it’s smart to be prepared. Always conduct thorough equipment checks before the event to ensure everything is working as expected. You should also have backup systems in place if something were to fail during the event. And of course, having experienced technical staff to troubleshoot issues in real time is a must.

2. Managing Multiple Camera Feeds

It doesn’t matter what kind of live event you’re filming, having just one camera angle can get boring. To prevent getting stale footage of the event, you want to have multiple cameras in place. However, that can be tricky since you’ll need to coordinate and seamlessly switch between the different camera feeds.

What’s the solution for making this easy? Consider planning camera transitions in advance whenever possible so you’ll know when to make the switch ahead of time. You can do this by reviewing the event schedule should one be provided. Also, be sure that camera operators have a way to communicate with one another easily and effectively so everyone can be on the same page.

3. Ensuring Quality Audio

Two things are crucial when it comes to live event video production: visuals and audio. Poor audio quality can significantly impact the viewer experience during live events. If viewers struggle to hear, they won’t stick around long. You need to ensure the audio isn’t muffled and that there’s no feedback.

Don’t be afraid to invest in high-quality microphones to produce the best results. Then, before the event begins, take the time to conduct sound tests so you know everything is working properly. And be sure to have audio engineers on standby to address any issues that may arise as quickly as possible.

4. Unpredictable Lighting Conditions

Oftentimes live events are filmed in venues that offer a lot of natural lighting thanks to big windows lining the walls. While this can be beneficial, it can also cause some challenges. Changes in the natural lighting or even the venue lighting can affect the visual quality of the live stream. Viewers must be able to see what’s happening clearly.

To prevent lighting issues, make sure you bring adequate lighting equipment with you. This way, you can be in control of how the stage is lit and you’ll be able to adapt to changing conditions as needed. Just don’t forget to conduct lighting tests before the event begins so you can ensure everything looks great.

5. Managing Time Constraints

In most cases, live events operate on a rather tight schedule, meaning there’s little room for delays and errors. To ensure things run smoothly and don’t go over the allotted time, develop a detailed run-of-show beforehand. This will give you an idea of how long the entire event should take. Then, a dedicated showrunner can do their best to keep everyone on track while watching the time.

Live event video production should always allocate buffer time for unexpected delays though, so keep that in mind. You can also prioritize rehearsing transitions when appropriate to optimize efficiency.

6. Audience Engagement

For those who are watching the live event from the comfort of their homes, you’ll want to find ways to keep them engaged. If you don’t, they may get bored and tune out. And since it’s important to keep viewership high, that’s the last thing you want to see happening.

To prevent this, incorporate interactive elements that can get livestream viewers involved. This can include Q&A sessions where they can submit questions in a chat or polls where they can vote to voice their opinions. You can even leverage social media platforms to encourage audience engagement by having them use a branded hashtag to track conversations happening online.

7. Post-Event Archiving and Distribution

After live events have wrapped, you need to know what to do with the footage. Figuring out how to manage and distribute your recorded content can present a challenge. To avoid this, have a plan for archiving and editing the recorded content. For instance, you may want to hire an editor who can get to work immediately after the event wraps up. Also, know where you’ll upload the footage afterward.

Ready to Film Your Next Live Event?

When it comes to live event video production, you never know what could happen in the moment. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t come prepared for whatever gets thrown at you. Luckily, when you work with the experts, you’ll have a skilled team that is ready to handle any challenges that arise.

Our Orlando Video Production Company, NG Production Films, can communicate effectively and efficiently to produce high-quality video production. We have over a decade of experience in producing the next video production project for your organization. Call NG Production Films today for a free, no-obligation consultation at 407–233–3236 or fill out our contact form for a prompt reply.

